Παρασκευή 26 Αυγούστου 2011
brother 3034D
11:20 π.μ. | Επεξεργασία ανάρτησης
Today I would like to review my serger.The Brother 3034D.I bought it a few months ago from SMD.I am very pleased with their service and I highly recommend their store.With the serger I received threads and scissors as a gift!
I had never used a serger before and to be honest I was terrified that I couldn't use it without a live demonstration.But I didn't want to buy it from Greece because the price was much much higher!So I took the risk and bought it from an online store.The serger comes with instructions of course in a book and in DVD.The hardest part in a serger is the threading,but with the 3034D is super easy!Honestly I couldn't believe it when I first thread it and it was working properly!The instructions in the DVD are very helpfull and the videos that I found on YOUTUBE about the 1034D(similar model) also helped a lot!
I have used it on various fabrics from very light to denim and it worked quite well!It is very fast and it is absolutely necessary to the beginner sewer who sews garments and wants that lovely professional loοk of the serged seams.I also like that it is more quite than I expected and it is very sturdy too!
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Εριξα μια ματια στο SMD και είδα οτι είναι μέσα στο budget μου.
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