Πέμπτη 30 Οκτωβρίου 2014
Noodlehead Divided Basket
12:41 μ.μ. | Επεξεργασία ανάρτησης
I love Noodlehead's blog,who doesn't to be honest?I love her tutorials and her patterns!The "Divided Basket" is my second pattern I'm puchasing from her site.The first one was "the super tote" and I have already made 3 bags of it!I loved it even though I didn't like the tutorial which comes with drawings and not photos.But the divided basket pattern comes with a tutorial full of detailed color photos!!!The instuctions are very detailed and the basket is almost "easy" to make.It is not made for beginners but as it says "for advanced beginners".I would add for "very advanced beginners".
I really liked the divider in the middle which seperates all the goodies that we want to put in the basket and it gives the basket more stucture so it stands very well even when it is empty!The size of the basket is very convenient,you will be amazed by how many things this basket can hold not to mention the extra front pocket where you can put so much stuff like scissors,rulers,markers or why not the remotes for TV,AC etc....
The two handles make the basket portable and easy to carry around.I made this specific basket for my sewing supplies so I lined it with a fabric from Riley Blakes Hipsters collection.For the exterior I used a wool mix fabric which I interfaced with medium weight non woven interfacing.I also interfaced the exterior part with fusible fleece.Don't skip the fleece,I think it is necessary!I interfaced the lining pieces as well even though the pattern doesn't say so.I used medium weight nonwoven interfacing.I find it important since the quilting cotton fabric I used isn't that heavy!
I purchased the PDF version of the pattern.Had no problem printing it in my printer.I like to print my pdf patterns in self adhesive paper sheets and then stick them on cardboard.It makes cutting so much easier and faster!
One thing is for sure!I see myself making many of these baskets,I see my workspace full of these baskets!!! :)
Ετικέτεςραπτική,sewing,sewing ideas,sewing patterns | 15
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