Σάββατο 28 Απριλίου 2012

burda 7781

this is my review on the burda 7781 sewing pattern...
And when Im saying I really like it I mean I really really like it.I have made 4 or five versions of it and I will definitely make more.The very first shirt I tried was thrown to garbage....because it was terribly sewn.I have to admit that is not a very very easy pattern for beginners although the instructions are quite good.

I made the smallest size of the pattern,size 10.The pattern comes for sizes 10-16.I sewed the A view.

It is better to use medium or  lightweight fabrics.The one in the photo below is made from mediumweight cotton.I bought it for 3,00€/m.It has the look of denim.

I finished the lower edge of the blouse with no elastic in this version and I think I like it  more.

a little detail on the sleeve with my signature(my bitch's name)

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